
Why Is My Puppy Breathing So Fast While Sleeping?

As a brand new puppy owner, you may find yourself watching over a bunch of your pooches to make sure they’re healthy and happy. One factor that might catch your attention is how fast your pup is breathing while he’s napping. This can be exciting and a little uncomfortable if you don’t recognize what is normal for puppies. It is important to understand why dogs are breathing rapidly at the same time as they are sleeping so that you can tell if everything is fine or if there may be a problem. In this blog, we are going to tell you why dogs breathe faster when they sleep, when you should make an appointment with the vet, and how to ensure that your shaggy friend naps properly and effortlessly.

Data Chart of Normal and Abnormal Ranges for Breathing and Heart Rates in Puppies

Puppy Vital Signs Data Chart

Vital SignNormal RangeAbnormal Range
Breathing Rate15-40 breaths per minuteLess than 15 or more than 40 breaths per minute
Heart Rate60-200 beats per minuteLess than 60 or more than 200 beats per minute


Breathing rate: This is the number of breaths the dog takes in one minute while resting. Puppies may breathe faster when they are dreaming or in deep sleep. If a puppy is breathing too fast or too slowly for a long time, it may indicate that it is confused, sick or having trouble breathing.

Heart rate: This is how often the puppy’s heart beats in one minute. Puppies generally have faster heart rates than adult dogs. If your puppy’s heart is beating too fast or too slow for a long period of time, it could be a sign that he has coronary heart problems, is dehydrated, or has other fitness issues.

When to Be Concerned?

If your dog’s breathing or coronary heart appear out of whack, or if you see symptoms like coughing, wheezing, tiredness, or discolored gums, it’s important to get to the vet quickly. Regular checkups in America and understanding what is normal for your puppy can help catch and treat health problems early.

10 Reasons Why Puppies Might Breathe Fast While Sleeping:

Here are 10 reasons why puppies may breathe rapidly when falling asleep:

1. REM sleep

Puppies regularly breathe faster during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep because they can dream. This is everyday.

2. Growth and development

Puppies develop quickly and therefore need extra oxygen. This can cause them to breathe faster at the same time they are sleeping.

3. Physical activity

After gambling sometime during the day, dogs may breathe faster while they sleep as their bodies recover.

4. Heat regulation

Puppies will have trouble staying cool. If they may be too warm, they may breathe faster to cool down.

5. Excitement and stress

If the puppy is cheerful or a little bothered from the day, it would breathe faster, even as a nap.

6. Respiratory infections

Puppies can get colds or infections that cause them to breathe faster even when they are sleeping.

7. Heart problems

Some puppies are born with coronary heart problems, which could speed up their breathing because their body needs more oxygen.

8. Allergies and asthma

Allergies can make it difficult for dogs to breathe, causing them to breathe faster. Asthma can also be to blame, but it’s not uncommon.

9. Pain or discomfort

If a pet dog is in pain or discomfort, such as teething or abdominal pain, it may breathe more rapidly at the same time as it falls asleep.

10. Anemia

Anemia means a dog doesn’t have enough pink blood cells, so his body may need more oxygen, causing him to breathe faster even when he’s resting or sleeping.

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When to Seek Veterinary Advice?

It’s every day for dogs to breathe fast once in a while as soon as they sleep, but if they can breathe fast or very fast all the time, you need to take them to the vet. Other things to look out for are coughing, wheezing, extreme tiredness, blue gums or other bizarre behavior. Regular veterinary tests will help keep your puppy healthy and detect any problems in time.

Is My Puppy Breathing Fast or Panting?

Knowing whether your puppy is breathing quickly or panting is essential to his condition. Rapid breathing, called tachypnea, method with short, shallow breaths and can occur when they may be dozing or resting. This can be common after playing or when they can dream. Gasping is strange; puppies breathe heavily with their mouths open, allowing them to cool down. Breathing is common when they are warm, excited or tired. But if your puppy has been panting a lot for no apparent reason, it could be a sign that he’s stressed, in pain, or sick, and you need to talk to your vet.


In conclusion, understanding the difference between rapid breathing and panting will allow you to recognize how your puppy is feeling. Rapid breathing may be normal after arousal or during sleep, but excessive gasping may indicate that there may be a problem. By watching how your puppy is breathing and noticing some other signs, you can make sure they are getting the care they need. Regular visits to the vet and monitoring their health will help your puppy stay happy and healthy for a long time.

FAQs about Why Is My Puppy Breathing So Fast While Sleeping?

1. How can I tell if my puppy’s breathing is too fast?

If your puppy’s breathing exceeds 40 breaths per minute during rest or sleep, it might be considered too fast. However, context matters; after exercise or during dreams, faster breathing can be normal.

2. Is it normal for puppies to pant a lot?

Panting is normal for puppies, especially after physical activity or when they’re feeling warm. However, excessive panting without an apparent cause could signal stress, discomfort, or a health issue.

3. When should I be concerned about my puppy’s breathing?

If your puppy’s breathing is consistently rapid, accompanied by symptoms like coughing, wheezing, lethargy, or pale gums, it’s advisable to consult a veterinarian. Additionally, if your puppy is panting excessively or struggling to breathe, seek immediate veterinary attention.

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